Univ Dual Pass Gas Condit
Universal Analyzer

Univ Dual Pass Gas Condit

Pine Item #

The Universal Anayler gas sample cooler contains the special impinger type heat exchanger(s). These are mounted within heat transfer blocks which are cooled by thermoelectric elements utilizing the 'Peltier Effect' discovered in France over half a century ago. Where high water contents are encountered, it is efficient to remove from the condensate in two stages, one at the temperature of the air in the vicinity of the 'Precooler' and then by passing the sample into a heat exchanger cooled by the thermoelectric elements. The precooler can remove water which will condense at the temperature of the environment. In high water content samples, this could be as much as 80% of water in the sample.

Quantity must be 1 or more
Equipment available for both rental and purchase
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