RAE Systems UltraRAE 3000
RAE Systems UltraRAE 3000
RAE Systems UltraRAE 3000
RAE Systems UltraRAE 3000
RAE Systems UltraRAE 3000
RAE Systems

RAE Systems UltraRAE 3000

Equipment available for both rental and purchase
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Pine Item #51246

The UltraRAE 3000 is the most advanced Compound-Specific Monitor on the market.  Its Photoionization Detector (PID) extended range of 0.05 to 10,000 ppm in VOC mode and 50 ppb to 200 ppm in benzene-specific mode makes it an ideal instrument for applications from entry pre-screening during refinery and plant maintenance to hazardous material response, marine spill response and refinery down-stream monitoring.


3-second response in VOC mode or 60 seconds in compound-specific mode

Extended range up to 10000 ppm (in VOC mode) with improved linearity

Automatic temperature-controlled sampling time calculation

Detects benzene down to 50 ppb (0.05 ppm)

Humidity compensation with built-in humidity sensor


Confined Space Entry

Environmental Cleanups and Remediation


Hazmat Reponse

Leak Detection

Shutdowns and Turnarounds

Perimeter Monitoring

Quantity must be 1 or more


Technical Specifications

VOCsRange: 1000-9999ppm / Resolution: 1ppm / response time <3 sec
BenzeneRange: 0-200ppm / Resolution: 0.05ppm / response time <60 sec
ButadieneRange: 0-200ppm / Resolution: 0.05ppm / response time <60 sec
Sensors Photoionization sensor with standard 9.8 eV or optional 10.6 eV or 11.7 eV lamps
BatteryRechargeable, external field-replaceable lithium-ion battery pack, Alkaline battery adapter
Operating Hours16 hours of operation
Display Graphic4 lines, 28 x 43mm
DataloggingStandard 6 months at one-minute intervals
DimensionsUS: 10" x 3.0" x 2.5" Metric: 25.5 x 7.6 x 6.4 cm
WeightUS: 26 oz Metric: 738 g
Manuals & Data Sheets

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