RAE Systems MiniRAE 2000 PID
RAE Systems MiniRAE 2000 PID
RAE Systems

RAE Systems MiniRAE 2000 PID

Equipment available for both rental and purchase
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Pine Item #51237

The RAE Systems MiniRAE 2000 PID photoionization detector (PID) is now available to hire from Pine.  Having a 10.6eV lamp that weighs just over a pound, yet it's a heavyweight for lead detection, fugitive emissions monitoring to EPA Method 21.

The MiniRAE 2000 portable VOC monitor is also a highly useful tool in industrial hygiene and environmental applications, including indoor air quality series.

A list of the gases detectable by this instrument are available to download in the TN-106 PDF document under the Download tab.


Intrinsically safe

Smallest handheld PID available

Wireless communication enabled and certified

Self-cleaning lamp and sensor

User friendly

Strong, built-in sample pump


Emergency Response

Environmental Cleanups and Remediation

Leak Detection

Hazmat Reponse

Worker Exposure

Venue Protection

Perimeter Monitoring

Quantity must be 1 or more


Technical Specifications

Range0 to 999 ppm
Resolution0.1 ppm
Response Time< 3 seconds
Accuracy± 2 ppm or 10% of reading <2000 ppm
Sampling PumpInternal integrated flow rate 400 cc/minute Sample from 100' horizontally or vertically
Datalogging15000 points with time/date header information
ApprovalsUL cUL Class I Division 1 Groups A B C and D EEx ia IIL C T4
BatteryRechargeable field changeable NiMH battery pack 10 hours operation
DimensionsUS: 8.2 x 3" x 2" Metric: 208 x 76 x 50 mm
WeightUS: 1.2 lbs Metric: 0.553 kg
Manuals & Data Sheets